Why Personal Training?
In a perfect world everybody would be healthy and happy. People would keep in shape by visiting the gym a couple times a week and have at least one outdoor activity planned for the weekend. Of course, everybody would cook wholesome dinners at home and maintain a good diet. If it was that easy, why isn’t everybody doing it? Gym atmospheres can be overwhelming and intimidating. Training specific gyms like Yoga Studio, Clubs and Group class studios offer less flexibility and seldom more than one kind of training. What about limitations like a bad knee or a painful shoulder? How do you pick the right diet, to help you shed a couple of pounds?
A Personal Trainer can help with all those questions and more. PT’s teach and educate, we motivate and inspire, we also push and encourage you. We cover all FIVE aspects of a healthy lifestyle. Cardio, Strength, Flexibility, Balance and Body Composition.
One on one training can introduce you to strength training step by step, making sure you learn proper form and movement correctly, to prevent hurting yourself. Your body will learn from your muscle memory to perform with good posture all the time. This is where weight training translates into everyday life.
A trainer will set you up with a manageable cardio routine that will improve your endurance gradually, so you will be able to enjoy outdoor adventures even longer.
Studies have shown that we lose flexibility and become less balanced with age. Let a Personal Coach help you stay limber and steady.
Unfortunately, a lot of people deal with certain limitations. Old injuries, joint issues, chronic health concerns and so on make joining just any gym difficult. But a trainer can work around and with those problems and still help you to gain the benefits of physical activity.
With over 60% of Americans being overweight and numbers still increasing every year, this is a big problem in this country. Don’t be fooled by media, it’s no secret that only exercise and wholesome foods can be the correct answer to solve this issue permanently. This is where a personal Coach will make the biggest difference. Customizing and helping you eat better, not just for a certain amount of time, but for the rest of your life. Food is such a big component of our social life and happiness level that it can’t be ignored. Learning how to balance and still enjoy is essential for everyone.

My Philosophy
I believe our bodies are made to be active. Humans have 640 muscles available to master everyday life. Why not use them to their fullest capacity? Being in shape doesn’t mean you need to run marathons and have a six pack. It means to be yourselves best version, accepting and honoring your body and treating it with respect and gratitude. Taking care of yourself includes healthy foods, regular exercise and a healthy mind. Do not compare yourself to others, but take pride in the fact that we are all unique.
It’s my greatest pleasure turning your day around for the better
Fun workouts that make you feel good about yourself. We all know that not every day can be great, but it is proven that working out releases endorphins in your brain, which guaranties that you will feel better after your workout. I will guide you through a 30 minute workout routine that will not just depend on your physical needs but also your emotional ones. Sometimes even clients that come in with a headache leave with a smile on their face.

I just started at Club Room Fitness about five weeks ago and it’s awesome. It’s in a beautiful studio downtown and it’s very clean and comfortable. I initially checked it out because it was less expensive than other private training places I had looked at and I’m so glad I did. Diana is great, firm but very encouraging. She pushes you to work your hardest, but kindly, not in a boot camp kind of way. Also, she’s so beautiful and fit, it’s really inspiring. Sessions usually consist of resistance training, weight training and calisthenics, but she also has a treadmill if you want to do some cardio before or after your session. I’ve had eight sessions and I’m really starting to see the muscle definition in my shoulders and legs (so far). The workouts are tough and addictive. Highly recommend.

I have been working out with Diana at Club Room Fitness for over a year now. Diana has magical ways of making you work harder than you ever thought you could or would. Before you know it you are stronger, healthier and happier. Her sessions are generally 30 minutes long (which is plenty of time, trust me), she is unbelievably accomodating with schedules, and provides water and snacks if needed. She will ask you what your goals are, and will help you with a plan that works for you to meet your goals.

When I left the Air Force I knew that I wanted to stay in shape as well so I began attending the workouts with my wife..

Hey Diana, I felt like I owed you one today…
Last winter I learned of a workout in Outside Magazine that was getting great results for skiers. It’s called “Slump Killer”.
I decided to add it to my winter training, because, why the hell not?!? I remember doing it the first time last winter and wanting to puke. Well, today I added it back in and didn’t really struggle at all. I attribute this change to my workouts with you.
I really appreciate the quality of the workouts you structure for us and the energy you guide us with. Our results speak for themselves. Thanks again,